SmartBov Project-Developing a mobile application for formulating cost-efficient balanced and climate sensitive rations for improving livelihood of smallholder cattle farmers in West-Africa
Principal Investigator: Dr Alassan Assani Seidou, Assistant Professor
Host Organisation & country: Faculty of Agronomy (FA), University of Parakou (UP), Benin
Lack of appropriate feeding standards for developing countries is one of the main constraints for further development of feeding management. This research project will develop a low-cost and climate sensitive balanced ration formulation mobile application from locally available feed resources for small-scale cattle farmers in Benin, Togo and Niger. In addition, this mobile application will be available in the local languages to facilitate its adoption by local livestock farmers. Feeding animals with balanced rations to meet the actual nutrient requirements of beef and dairy cattle at different stages of production will increase milk and meat yields and incomes for small-scale cattle farmers and reduce feed wastage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This innovation will improve the living conditions for millions of farmers in West-Africa.
PhD and master students:
ALIMI Nouroudine (Male)- PhD student in Animal Production
OGOUDOU Christine (Female)- PhD student in Economy and Socio-Rural
KOUDJOUE Akpé Myriam (Female)-Master Student in Animal Production
N’DIAYE Nourou-Dine (Male)- Master Student in Animal Production